FNERDM – National Federation of Rehabilitation Entities for Persons with Mental Illness

created in 1997, is a private not-for-profit organisation that brings together and represents 24 entities working in the area of social rehabilitation and community inclusion of youth and adults with mental illness.


OUR MISSION | To be a national network of entities that develop psychosocial rehabilitation services in the field of mental illness.

OUR GOALS |  Represent associated entities and participate in official bodies, committees and working groups;

Debate and deepen policies and measures aimed at the social integration of people with mental illness;

Identify and disseminate resources and supports that promote the development of community mental health services;

Encourage the creation of community rehabilitation responses for people with mental illness;

Develop actions to raise awareness of social inclusion and publicize it in the media;

Develop training aimed at professionals in the area of rehabilitation and social integration;

Support the development of NGOs, users, family members, self-help groups, and the movement for the defense of the rights of people with mental health problems (advocacy).


Over the last years, FNERDM has been invited to participate in a variety of working groups within the scope of the national policy for mental health, as well as regarding the social inclusion of people with mental illness, promoting partnerships and involving service users.

Currently, FNERDM is a consultant in the following entities:

ME-CDPD – National Mechanism for Monitoring the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

CNSM – National Council of Mental Health

CNPSSS – National Council for Solidarity, Volunteering, Families, Rehabilitation and Social Security Policies

CNDH – National Human Rights Commission

CRSM – Regional Council for Mental Health

CCPUC – Consultative Commission for the Participation of Users and Caregivers

ODDH – Disability and Human Rights Observatory

EAPN – European Anti-Poverty Network

GIMAE – Group for the Integration of Homeless People

INR – National Institute for Rehabilitation



Avenida António José de Almeida, 26
1000-043 Lisboa – PORTUGAL


939 564 509


